This section contains 360 words (approx. 1 page at 400 words per page) |
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This is the country / culture in which the novel is set. Swedish is the novel's original language, the translation (which is primarily British in its vocabulary) still retains aspects of its original Swedish context: the currency with which the characters operate, for example is the "crown", rather than the British pound or the North American dollar. Being a northern country and having a northern (i.e. colder) climate weather, and particularly snow, plays a significant role in defining the circumstances of the narrative.
Ove's "Terrace"
Throughout the narrative, the word "terrace" is used to describe the small community / sub-division / suburb in which his home is located. The "terrace" is the setting for many of the novel's confrontations, in both past and present: there is the strong sense that, at least in Ove's mind, the "terrace" is a community within a community, the sense of connection, relationship, and respect...
This section contains 360 words (approx. 1 page at 400 words per page) |
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