This section contains 3,990 words (approx. 14 pages at 300 words per page) |
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As implied in this discussion of social concerns and themes, Morrison's characters usually mark a fine line between the symbolic or allegorical representation of a concept and the psychological or a complex amalgamation of acknowledged and unacknowledged forces motivating them to act, almost as it were independent of their creator. For example, Valerian is simultaneously a stereotype of the insensitive imperialist and a complex individual with deepseated and unresolved psychological dilemmas resulting in a pathological need to control others' lives. This list could be extended greatly, but this section will focus on the protagonist and three characters who bring new themes and concerns to the pages of Tar Baby: the enigmatic and at last unknowable protagonist, the beauty queenturned-abusive mother, and the son who is not coming home for Christmas.
In the "themes" section we examined Jade as an artificial creation, a Tar Baby, but she is also...
This section contains 3,990 words (approx. 14 pages at 300 words per page) |
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