This section contains 154 words (approx. 1 page at 300 words per page) |
The whole collection of Gothic novels (the "tales of terror") that came out in the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries could be taken as the models for this dark novel, but it exceeds all of them in substance, realism, and horrific effect.
From Mrs. Radcliffe's Romance of the Forest (rather tame compared with The Bride of Lammermoor) to Matthew "Monk" Lewis' The Monk (quite unrealistic when compared sense of fair play (as in his dealings to Scott's novel) to William Beckford's Vathek with Ravenswood). Does Sir Walter pro(an outlandish performance, especially in vide enough background to reveal how relation to Sir Walter's believable story), the the rash young man became as he is Gothic Novel inspired a number of subse-portrayed? Is he developed sufficientquent fictions, none of them as important ly, so that his demise at the end is and affective as The Bride...
This section contains 154 words (approx. 1 page at 300 words per page) |