This section contains 391 words (approx. 2 pages at 300 words per page) |
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adjustment disorder: A disorder that children often develop after their parents' divorce, when they have trouble adjusting to the changes in their lives. Symptoms vary in different ages and genders, but include nightmares, bed-wetting, anger, and aggression.
adversarial divorce: A divorce process during which parents are fighting each other rather than working together to find solutions for issues such as child custody and child support.
controversial: Causing people to disagree or object, with strong opinions on different sides.
custodial parent: The parent with whom children reside most of the time.
deadbeat dads: Fathers ordered to pay child support who fail to make their payments.
diminished capacity to parent: A difficulty parents face, following divorce, in being available for their children in every way that they used to be.
egocentric: Believing that one is the center of the universe and that every event that occurs relates to oneself in...
This section contains 391 words (approx. 2 pages at 300 words per page) |
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