This section contains 2,455 words (approx. 9 pages at 300 words per page) |
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Ker C. Thomson
About the author: Ker C. Thomson is a former Director of the US Air Force Terrestrial Sciences Laboratory. He holds a B.A. in Physics and Geology from the University of British Columbia and DSc in Geophysics from the Colorado School of Mines. Thomson served as Professor of Geophysics at Baylor University and Professor of Science at Bryan College. He has published numerous technical papers in the area of geophysics and seismology.
The Second Law of Thermodynamics states that all things in the Universe are undergoing a continual process of decay. That process causes a decrease in the complexity of all things. Yet evolution requires the opposite to occur—namely, that all things evolve from a simple state to a state of greater complexity. For many years, evolutionists have tried to reconcile the paradox that exists...
This section contains 2,455 words (approx. 9 pages at 300 words per page) |
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