This section contains 847 words (approx. 3 pages at 300 words per page) |
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by David Brin, interviewed by Sheldon Teitelbaum
About the author: David Brin is the author of many science fiction novels as well as the nonfiction book The Blinding Fog: Privacy and Paranoia in the Information Age. Sheldon Teitelbaum is a journalist and a senior writer for the Jerusalem Report, a weekly newsmagazine covering Israel and the Middle East.
Teitelbaum: In your introduction to The Blinding Fog, you project two disparate visions. One foresees police cameras on every lamppost. In the other, average citizens can access universal tools of surveillance. Is this our choice— Big Brother or a world of Peeping Toms?
Brin: Make no mistake, the cameras are coming. Already a dozen British cities aim police TV down scores of city blocks. Crime goes down, but how long before those zoom lenses track faces...
This section contains 847 words (approx. 3 pages at 300 words per page) |
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