Taubes, Jakob - Research Article from Encyclopedia of Religion

This encyclopedia article consists of approximately 4 pages of information about Taubes, Jakob.

Taubes, Jakob - Research Article from Encyclopedia of Religion

This encyclopedia article consists of approximately 4 pages of information about Taubes, Jakob.
This section contains 933 words
(approx. 4 pages at 300 words per page)
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TAUBES, JAKOB. Jakob Taubes was born in Vienna on February 25, 1923. In 1937, as a result of the appointment of his father, Zwi Taubes, as chief rabbi to Zürich, he moved to Switzerland and survived the Nazi persecution. In 1943 he became a rabbi. In 1947 he completed his studies in philosophy at Zürich and published Abendländische Eschatologie (Western Eschatology).

In 1948 he moved to the United States, where he married Susan Anima Feldman. He obtained a post at the Jewish Theological Seminary in New York, where he worked with Louis Finkelstein, S. Libermann, and Lewis L. Strauss. In 1949 he met Gershom Scholem (1897–1982). However, his association with Scholem was not successful: personal and theoretical reasons led to a quick breakdown in their relations.

He returned to the United States in 1953 and after being awarded a Rockefeller scholarship he spent the next two years at Harvard University. In the...

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This section contains 933 words
(approx. 4 pages at 300 words per page)
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Taubes, Jakob from Macmillan. Copyright © 2001-2006 by Macmillan Reference USA, an imprint of the Gale Group. All rights reserved.