Southern African Religions - Research Article from Encyclopedia of Religion

This encyclopedia article consists of approximately 46 pages of information about Southern African Religions.

Southern African Religions - Research Article from Encyclopedia of Religion

This encyclopedia article consists of approximately 46 pages of information about Southern African Religions.
This section contains 7,362 words
(approx. 25 pages at 300 words per page)
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There is a basic similarity in religious practice, symbols, and ideas throughout southern Africa, from Uganda to the southern sea, from the east coast to Cameroon. This is the area in which Bantu languages are spoken, and there is a link, though no absolute coincidence, between language family and religious symbolism. Some of the religious symbols of Africa also occur in Europe: The divine king of the Ganda, the Bemba, the Nyakyusa, and the Zulu appeared in the Grove of Nemi in ancient Italy and in Stuart England; but there are many other symbols of more limited provenance, such as fire, symbol of lordship or authority, and blowing out water, or "spitting," a symbol of the confession of anger and the act of forgiveness and goodwill.

Religious belief in southern Africa can best be understood through its symbolism, for religion here is expressed more through drama...

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This section contains 7,362 words
(approx. 25 pages at 300 words per page)
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