Simulation - Research Article from Encyclopedia of Management

This encyclopedia article consists of approximately 9 pages of information about Simulation.

Simulation - Research Article from Encyclopedia of Management

This encyclopedia article consists of approximately 9 pages of information about Simulation.
This section contains 2,427 words
(approx. 9 pages at 300 words per page)
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Simulation is used to model efficiently a wide variety of systems that are important to managers. A simulation is basically an imitation, a model that imitates a real-world process or system. In business and management, decision makers are often concerned with the operating characteristics of a system. One way to measure or assess the operating characteristics of a system is to observe that system in actual operation. However, in many types of situations the cost of direct observation can be very high. Furthermore, changing some of the relationships or parameters within a system on an experimental basis may mean waiting a considerable amount of time to collect results on all the combinations that are of concern to the decision maker.

In business and management, a simulation is a mathematical imitation of a real-world system. The use of computers to conduct simulations is not essential from a theoretical standpoint...

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This section contains 2,427 words
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