San Marino - Fiorenzo Stolfi - Research Article from Worldmark Encyclopedia of the Nations

This encyclopedia article consists of approximately 5 pages of information about San Marino.

San Marino - Fiorenzo Stolfi - Research Article from Worldmark Encyclopedia of the Nations

This encyclopedia article consists of approximately 5 pages of information about San Marino.
This section contains 1,458 words
(approx. 5 pages at 300 words per page)
Buy the San Marino - Fiorenzo Stolfi Encyclopedia Article

Fiorenzo Stolfi
Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs

(pronounced "fee-or-ENZ-oh STOLE-fee")

"I think the European Union has made enormous steps in recent years regarding the economy and cohesion between the countries, but the same cannot be said for foreign policy."

The Republic of San Marino is a landlocked state on the Italian peninsula about 225 km (140 mi) north of Rome and between the Italian regions of Emilia-Romagna and Marchesa. Situated on the slopes of Mount Titano, San Marino claims to be the oldest republic in Europe. Its total area comprises just over 60 sq km (20 sq mi). Approximately 27,730 citizens made up the Sanmarinese population in 2002. Until 2002, San Marino principally used the Italian lira as its currency; when Italy replaced its currency with the euro, San Marino also adopted the euro. Since 1971 the government has issued its own coins (in denominations of one...

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This section contains 1,458 words
(approx. 5 pages at 300 words per page)
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