Religion and the Media - Research Article from Encyclopedia of Communication and Information

This encyclopedia article consists of approximately 9 pages of information about Religion and the Media.

Religion and the Media - Research Article from Encyclopedia of Communication and Information

This encyclopedia article consists of approximately 9 pages of information about Religion and the Media.
This section contains 2,574 words
(approx. 9 pages at 300 words per page)
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Religious freedom is as integral a part of American cultural heritage as is freedom of speech. It is, therefore, not surprising that religious content can be traced to the onset of every form of mass communication technology and has evolved as American media has evolved. As popular media became distinctly evangelistic in their business practices, hoping to convert consumers to their respective medium to maximize ratings or increase reader-ship, religious content turned entrepreneurial. As entertainment formats proved increasingly effective in capturing audiences, religious expression mimicked the methods of secular media, becoming increasingly high profile and, in turn, controversial.

Since the birth of mass communication, religious institutions have believed in the power of modern technology and in technology's ability to communicate the importance of faith. One of the first printed texts produced upon the introduction of movable type to the Western world in...

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This section contains 2,574 words
(approx. 9 pages at 300 words per page)
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Religion and the Media from Macmillan. Copyright © 2001-2006 by Macmillan Reference USA, an imprint of the Gale Group. All rights reserved.