Philosophy of Religion [addendum] - Research Article from Encyclopedia of Philosophy

This encyclopedia article consists of approximately 6 pages of information about Philosophy of Religion [addendum].

Philosophy of Religion [addendum] - Research Article from Encyclopedia of Philosophy

This encyclopedia article consists of approximately 6 pages of information about Philosophy of Religion [addendum].
This section contains 1,645 words
(approx. 6 pages at 300 words per page)
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Philosophy of religion has recently focused on a range of issues regarding God: semantic (concerning the meaning of the term God), metaphysical (concerning the reality and attributes of God), epistemological (concerning justified belief and knowledge regarding God's reality), and ethical (concerning the bearing of God on personal and social morality and the meaning of life). The entry by Robert M. Adams illustrates some of these issues; longer representative discussions can be found in William E. Mann (2005) and William J. Wainwright (2005). Another area of recent philosophy of religion concerns whether, and if so how, claims regarding God fit with the natural sciences. With growing recognition that the natural sciences are not deterministic, many philosophers have found room for a God who freely acts in history and in human lives (see Draper [2005] and the exchange between Worrall and Ratzsch [2004]).

The term God joins religion...

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This section contains 1,645 words
(approx. 6 pages at 300 words per page)
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Philosophy of Religion [addendum] from Macmillan. Copyright © 2001-2006 by Macmillan Reference USA, an imprint of the Gale Group. All rights reserved.