Philip Showalter Hench - Research Article from Science and Its Times

This encyclopedia article consists of approximately 1 page of information about Philip Showalter Hench.
Encyclopedia Article

Philip Showalter Hench - Research Article from Science and Its Times

This encyclopedia article consists of approximately 1 page of information about Philip Showalter Hench.
This section contains 85 words
(approx. 1 page at 300 words per page)


American physician who is known for his contribution in the treatment of rheumatism, an umbrella term that includes arthritis and other pains associated with the joints and muscles. His research with arthritis led him to discover that in some cases the symptoms can be reversed. He also successfully used cortisone and extracts of the pituitary and adrenal cortex to combat arthritis. He shared the Nobel Prize for physiology or medicine with E. C. Kendall and Tadeus Reichstein in 1950.

This section contains 85 words
(approx. 1 page at 300 words per page)
Philip Showalter Hench from Gale. ©2005-2006 Thomson Gale, a part of the Thomson Corporation. All rights reserved.