Personality Measurement - Research Article from Encyclopedia of Sociology

This encyclopedia article consists of approximately 20 pages of information about Personality Measurement.

Personality Measurement - Research Article from Encyclopedia of Sociology

This encyclopedia article consists of approximately 20 pages of information about Personality Measurement.
This section contains 5,672 words
(approx. 19 pages at 300 words per page)
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What Is Personality?

"Personality" is an ambiguous term derived from the natural language, and not necessarily a scientific concept. Consensus among interested scientists as to its precise meaning has been fairly modest. One major cleavage is between views of personality as core dynamic processes inherent in all people and views that emphasize characteristics on which individuals differ. Because the second sort of view defines personality in a way as to make it far more conducive to measurement, this article focuses on personality as certain potentially measurable characteristics of individuals.

Which measurable characteristics? There are many kinds of characteristics, and useful ways of categorizing characteristics have been developed (Norman 1967; Angleitner et al. 1990). Characteristics that fall into many of the categories do not fit common definitions of personality. Descriptors of physical characteristics (e.g., short, muscular) lack sufficient reference to psychological (behavioral, affective, cognitive) features. Descriptors invoking social...

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This section contains 5,672 words
(approx. 19 pages at 300 words per page)
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