Orthopedic Surgery - Research Article from World of Health

This encyclopedia article consists of approximately 2 pages of information about Orthopedic Surgery.

Orthopedic Surgery - Research Article from World of Health

This encyclopedia article consists of approximately 2 pages of information about Orthopedic Surgery.
This section contains 577 words
(approx. 2 pages at 300 words per page)
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Orthopedic (sometimes spelled orthopaedic) surgery corrects problems that arise in the skeleton and its attachments, the ligaments and tendons. It may also deal with some problems of the nervous system, such as those that arise from injury of the spine. These problems can occur at birth, through injury, or as the result of aging.

Medical doctors trained to deal with such problems are called orthopedic surgeons or orthopedists (the terms are used interchangeably). The word "orthopedic"comes from two Greek words, ortho, meaning straight and pais, meaning child. Originally orthopedic surgeons dealt with bone deformities in children, using braces to straighten the child's bones. With the development modern surgical techniques, orthopedic surgeons expanded their role to include surgery involving the bones and related nerves and connective tissue.

Some orthopedic surgeons specialize in one particular aspect of orthopedics, such as hand surgery, joint replacements, or disorders of...

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This section contains 577 words
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