This section contains 957 words (approx. 4 pages at 300 words per page) |
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A real number is said to be simply normal to the base b if every possible digit appears in its fractional part with a frequency of occurrence of 1/b, where b is the base of the expansion. By this we understand that if a number is expressed to the base b (as, for example, we regularly express numbers to the base 10) and if for each digit, d (0 d b-1), we count the occurrence of d in the first N positions after the decimal point, divide this count by N and then let N increase without bound; and if the ratio of this count approaches the limit 1/b we say that the number is simply normal to the base b.
In, say, the expansion of (which has been expanded, at last count, to 5.4 billion digits), we would naturally expect any particular digit, say 3, to appear no more...
This section contains 957 words (approx. 4 pages at 300 words per page) |
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