Matthew A. Henson - Research Article from Explorers and Discoverers

This encyclopedia article consists of approximately 1 page of information about Matthew A. Henson.

Matthew A. Henson - Research Article from Explorers and Discoverers

This encyclopedia article consists of approximately 1 page of information about Matthew A. Henson.
This section contains 14 words
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Born August 8, 1866,
Charles County, Maryland
Died 1955,
New York

Matthew A. Henson

Matthew A. Henson was invited to go along with Robert Edwin Peary (see entry) when Peary became interested in Arctic exploration. Henson subsequently became the first person to officially raise the American flag over the North Pole. He was well liked by the native Inuit, easily learning their language and adapting to their customs. As racial attitudes in the United States slowly changed, he gradually received the recognition he deserved. Henson was the first black member to be elected to the Explorers Club in 1937; he received the Navy Medal in 1945. He was also honored by Presidents Harry Truman and Dwight Eisenhower.

Henson was born in Charles County, Maryland, on August 8, 1866, a time when most African Americans were enslaved; however, his parents had been born free. The family soon moved to Washington, D.C., but both of...

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This section contains 14 words
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