Major Personality Theories - Research Article from Encyclopedia of Sociology

This encyclopedia article consists of approximately 14 pages of information about Major Personality Theories.

Major Personality Theories - Research Article from Encyclopedia of Sociology

This encyclopedia article consists of approximately 14 pages of information about Major Personality Theories.
This section contains 4,014 words
(approx. 14 pages at 300 words per page)
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Problems of definition arise with the terms personality and personality theories. Personality is understood by some people to mean self-concept; by others, the consensus of other people's opinions about one's character, and by others, one's true character. Some personality theories have elaborate coordinated concepts discussing how personality originates and develops from conception to senescence, taking up cognitive, conative, and affective aspects of the mind as well as free will, holism, philosophy, and other issues. On the other hand, there are relatively simple, one-dimensional theories of personality that pay little attention to what seems important to other theorists.

This topic is complicated not only by its complexity and variations but also by intellectual belligerence among those who favor one theory over another and those who differ about the same theory. The analogy to religions is inescapable.

In view of this situation, personality theories will be...

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This section contains 4,014 words
(approx. 14 pages at 300 words per page)
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Major Personality Theories from Macmillan. Copyright © 2001-2006 by Macmillan Reference USA, an imprint of the Gale Group. All rights reserved.