Iraq: Economic Sanctions - Research Article from History Behind the Headlines

This encyclopedia article consists of approximately 15 pages of information about Iraq.

Iraq: Economic Sanctions - Research Article from History Behind the Headlines

This encyclopedia article consists of approximately 15 pages of information about Iraq.
This section contains 4,208 words
(approx. 15 pages at 300 words per page)
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The Conflict

Iraq has been in conflict with much of the rest of the world since it invaded the small country of Kuwait in 1990. Following the war, the United Nations demanded that Iraq destroy any facilities for producing weapons of mass destruction—chemical, nuclear, and biological weapons. Iraq has not cooperated with the required inspections and has accused the United Nations, and in particular the United States, of spying. In response, the United Nations has instituted economic sanctions. Iraq can sell a specified amount of its oil for food and medicine; otherwise, Iraq may not trade with other countries.


  • Iraq believes that U.N. inspectors are infringing on Iraq's right to do as it pleases within its own border.
  • The United Nations fears that Iraq will attack neighboring countries if it has weapons of mass destruction. The United Nations suspects that Iraq...

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This section contains 4,208 words
(approx. 15 pages at 300 words per page)
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