Environment - Research Article from Beacham's Encyclopedia of Social Change

This encyclopedia article consists of approximately 19 pages of information about Environment.

Environment - Research Article from Beacham's Encyclopedia of Social Change

This encyclopedia article consists of approximately 19 pages of information about Environment.
This section contains 5,405 words
(approx. 19 pages at 300 words per page)
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(circa 1915) Salesmen and boosters demonstrating an irrigation pump near Lewiston, Washington.


1800–1889 ∼ Claiming the Wilderness

Thomas Jefferson advocates open land policy / Romantics and transcendentalists find spiritual meaning in nature / Yellowstone, the first national park, is established (1872)

MILESTONES: Louisiana Purchase doubles the size of the U.S. (1803) • Oliver Evans builds the first steam-powered motor vehicle in the U.S. (1805) • Indian Removal Act forces southern Indian tribes to relocate west of the Mississippi (1830) • Electric rail transport and gasoline powered automobiles introduced (1880s)

1890–1929 ∼ Rise in Conservation Responsibility

First forest set aside for conservation, the Sierra redwood groves (1890) / Forest Reserve Act gives presidents the authority to proclaim permanent forest reserves (1891) / Women become involved in the conservation movement (early 1900s) / Boy Scouts of America founded (1910) / Boulder Dam proposed (1910s); completed as Hoover dam in 1935 / Hetch Hetchy dam approved (1913) / National Park Service created (1916) / Grand Canyon becomes a national park (1919)

MILESTONES: Subway systems introduced (1890) • First automobile patent granted...

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This section contains 5,405 words
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