Burckhardt, Titus - Research Article from Encyclopedia of Religion

This encyclopedia article consists of approximately 5 pages of information about Burckhardt, Titus.

Burckhardt, Titus - Research Article from Encyclopedia of Religion

This encyclopedia article consists of approximately 5 pages of information about Burckhardt, Titus.
This section contains 1,185 words
(approx. 4 pages at 300 words per page)
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BURCKHARDT, TITUS. Titus Burckhardt (1908–1984) was born in Florence, Italy into a Protestant patrician family from Basle in the German-speaking part of Switzerland, the son of the sculptor Carl Burckhardt, and great-nephew of the famous art historian Jacob Burckhardt. A school friendship with Fritjhof Schuon (1907–1998), who had been one of the first expositors of the perennial philosophy in the second half of the 20th century, in Basle was to become a long spiritual and intellectual friendship, with both of them being interested in Eastern art from an early age. Burckhardt had intended to be a sculptor—following in his father's footsteps—and he attended several art schools in Switzerland and Italy. A stay in Morocco in the 1930s changed the course of his life. He studied Arabic literature and jurisprudence and followed the teachings of the Sufic masters Sidi Mohammed Bouchara at Salé and Moulay Ali ad-Darq...

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This section contains 1,185 words
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