Bruce, Blanche K. - Research Article from Reconstruction Era Reference Library

This encyclopedia article consists of approximately 6 pages of information about Bruce, Blanche K..

Bruce, Blanche K. - Research Article from Reconstruction Era Reference Library

This encyclopedia article consists of approximately 6 pages of information about Bruce, Blanche K..
This section contains 1,650 words
(approx. 6 pages at 300 words per page)
Buy the Bruce, Blanche K. Encyclopedia Article

Born March 1, 1841
Farmville, Virginia

Died March 17, 1898
Washington, D.C.

U.S. senator, educator, and farmer

Blanche K. Bruce. The Library of Congress. Blanche K. Bruce. The Library of Congress.

"I have confidence, not only in my country and her institutions, but in the endurance, capacity and destiny of my people. We will, as opportunity offers and ability serves, seek our places.… Whatever our ultimate position in the composite civilization of the Republic and whatever varying fortunes attend our career, we will not forget our instincts for freedom nor our love for country."

Blanche K. Bruce was the first African American to serve a full term in the U.S. Senate. Prior to his political career, he founded a school in Hannibal, Missouri, and later helped establish a strong, countywide system of twenty-one schools in Mississippi. Bruce was also a successful farmer. Following his term in the Senate, Bruce was a chairperson...

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This section contains 1,650 words
(approx. 6 pages at 300 words per page)
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