Blackett, Patrick - Research Article from Encyclopedia of Science, Technology, and Ethics

This encyclopedia article consists of approximately 5 pages of information about Blackett, Patrick.

Blackett, Patrick - Research Article from Encyclopedia of Science, Technology, and Ethics

This encyclopedia article consists of approximately 5 pages of information about Blackett, Patrick.
This section contains 1,414 words
(approx. 5 pages at 300 words per page)
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Patrick Maynard Stuart Blackett (1897–1974) was born in Kensington, London, on November 18, and became a Nobel Prize–winning physicist who at once promoted scientific research to defeat Nazism and criticized the World War II Allied bombing of cities. After serving in the Royal Navy during World War I and establishing a successful career in physics, he became a science advisor on military matters during World War II and later to both the Indian and British governments on science and technology policy. He died in London on July 13, as a leading figure in the British scientific community and a defender of science in the service of socialist political ideals and of "small science" practiced independent of large government grants.


After earning a Ph.D. in physics in 1921 from Cambridge University, Blackett did postdoctoral work in the Cavendish Laboratory and was appointed professor at the University of Manchester...

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This section contains 1,414 words
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Blackett, Patrick from Macmillan. Copyright © 2001-2006 by Macmillan Reference USA, an imprint of the Gale Group. All rights reserved.