Alvaro De Mendaña De Nehra - Research Article from Science and Its Times

This encyclopedia article consists of approximately 1 page of information about Alvaro De Mendaña De Nehra.
Encyclopedia Article

Alvaro De Mendaña De Nehra - Research Article from Science and Its Times

This encyclopedia article consists of approximately 1 page of information about Alvaro De Mendaña De Nehra.
This section contains 81 words
(approx. 1 page at 300 words per page)


Spanish explorer who made discoveries in the South Pacific. As the nephew of the viceroy of Peru, in 1567 he was appointed commander of an expedition in search of the mythical great southern continent, terra australis. This expedition failed to find the southern continent, but did discover the Solomon Islands. In 1595 he was sent on a second expedition in search of terra australis but died at sea.

This section contains 81 words
(approx. 1 page at 300 words per page)
Alvaro De Mendaña De Nehra from Gale. ©2005-2006 Thomson Gale, a part of the Thomson Corporation. All rights reserved.