This section contains 1,326 words (approx. 5 pages at 300 words per page) |
- abbr.
- abbreviated; abbreviation
- abr.
- abridged; abridgment
- AD
- anno Domini, in the year of the (our) Lord
- Afrik.
- Afrikaans
- AH
- anno Hegirae, in the year of the Hijrah
- Akk.
- Akkadian
- Ala.
- Alabama
- Alb.
- Albanian
- Am.
- Amos
- AM
- ante meridiem, before noon
- amend.
- amended; amendment
- annot.
- annotated; annotation
- Ap.
- Apocalypse
- Apn.
- Apocryphon
- app.
- appendix
- Arab.
- Arabic
- ʿArakh.
- ʿArakhin
- Aram.
- Aramaic
- Ariz.
- Arizona
- Ark.
- Arkansas
- Arm.
- Armenian
- art.
- article (pl., arts.)
- AS
- Anglo-Saxon
- Asm. Mos.
- Assumption of Moses
- Assyr.
- Assyrian
- A.S.S.R.
- Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic
- Av.
- Avestan
- ʿA.Z.
- ʿAvodah zarah
- b.
- born
- Bab.
- Babylonian
- Ban.
- Bantu
- 1 Bar.
- 1 Baruch
- 2 Bar.
- 2 Baruch
- 3 Bar.
- 3 Baruch
- 4 Bar.
- 4 Baruch
- B.B.
- Bavaʾ batraʾ
- British Broadcasting Corporation
- BC
- before Christ
- before the common era
- B.D.
- Bachelor of Divinity
- Beits.
- Beitsah
- Bekh.
- Bekhorot
- Beng.
- Bengali
- Ber.
- Berakhot
- Berb.
- Berber...
This section contains 1,326 words (approx. 5 pages at 300 words per page) |