How can technology play a role in revitalizing the economy? Discuss the importance of manufacturing to the United States economy.

economy is enhanced or revitalized when more jobs are created, more resources are available and productivity increases with incraese in Gross domestic product as well as per capita income.Also when these are all done with minimal problems then it is an efficient economy and that is the exact role of technology.
Water irrigation and dam technology which enables large scale all the year farming is an example.
Computerised tomography as well as ultrsound scans have enabled more diseases to be diagnosed and treated leading to reduced loss of man hours and enhanced productivity, so the medical and health technology has advanced the economy.
Information technology has led to greater and better crime detection leading reduced crime rates as well as better justice.It has also promoted global business and exchange of ideas that were hitherto impossible leading to efficient justice and business systems.
Aerotechnology has even enabled the space travel industries running into billions of dollars to be developed in both europe and America.
Manufacturing is important to U.S economy because more jobs are created as well as goods and services provided by them.Thus they are less dependant on foreign goods.