English & Literature

Who is Yoineh Meir from The Collected Stories of Isaac Bashevis Singer and what is their importance? The_Collected_Stories_of_Isaac_Bashevis_Singer English & Literature Yoineh Meir | The Collected Stories of Isaac Bashevis Singer

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Yoineh Meir is an educated man, who is a contender for rabbi of Kolomir. Many powerful families are conspiring to appoint their own rabbi—someone other than Yoineh. As a consolation, Yoineh is appoited the ritual slaughterer of animals to preserve the kosher tradition. As a sensitive man, who has great compassion for living creatures, he allows himself to be convinced that he should take the job. He is appalled and sickened from the start, and eventually, he is driven to suicide.


The Collected Stories of Isaac Bashevis Singer