English & Literature

Who is Virginia Stafford-Smyth (Aunt Virgie) from Love Finds a Home and what is their importance?

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Virginia Stafford-Smyth is the elderly woman for whom Belinda works as her nurse and personal companion. The two have a very close relationship. The elderly lady has asked Belinda to call her Aunt Virgie. During the course of the novel, Aunt Virgie is saved, an action for which Belinda is grateful. After she makes her profession of faith, Mrs. Stafford-Smyth makes it her goal to see that the members of her staff and her friends are also given an opportunity to hear the good news of Jesus Christ as well. Mrs. Stafford-Smyth leaves Belinda most of her estate in her will. Although Belinda at first believes that this inheritance will put a halt on her plans to move back to her hometown, she learns that her benefactor intended her to use the house as a way to minister to people.