English & Literature

Who is Tu Reh from Bamboo People and what is their importance?

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Tu Reh is a sixteen-year-old member of the Karenni tribe. The Karennis live in a remote area of the Burmese jungle. The tribe is at war with the Burmese government that wants to eliminate them and take over their land. Tu Reh is especially bitter. He has hurt and anger in his heart because his family home had recently been torched and burned down by Burmese soldiers.

Peh, Tu Reh's father, is a leader of the resistance. After much debate with Tu Reh's mother, Peh decided to allow Tu Reh to go on a mission with him and a small group of other tribe members. It is Tu Reh's first mission and his dream to revenge his family and kill some Burmese soldiers is becoming a reality for him.

As they walk along, there is suddenly a huge explosion. Upon investigation, Tu Reh and Peh discover the bodies of four Burmese soldiers who died from the blast of a land mine. There is only one survivor, Chiko, a soldier who looks younger than Tu Reh himself. The young boy's leg is badly mangled and he is unconscious. After his father leaves the decision as to what to do with the boy to his son, Tu Reh has an internal debate with himself. He could kill him and put him out of his misery - after all he is the enemy. He could leave him for the leopards and wild dogs to eat. Or... he could save his life.

Tu Reh demonstrated his humanity and allowed the revenge in his heart to be replaced by compassion for a youngster in a very dire situation. At great risk to himself, he picked up the boy and carried him through the jungle to save his life.