English & Literature

Who is Tom Lanner from Do Black Patent-leather Shoes Really Reflect Up?: A Fictionalized Memoir and what is their importance? Do_Black_Patent-leather_Shoes_Really_Reflect_Up?:_A_Fictionalized_Memoir English & Literature Tom Lanner | Do Black Patent-leather Shoes Really Reflect Up?: A Fictionalized Memoir

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Tom Lanner is one of Eddie's chi;dhood friends. They grew up in the same neighborhoodm though their childhoods were very different. Tom was raised by his aunt after the death of his mother and began working part-time in seventh grade to assist with household bills.

Tom is able to enroll is Bremmer High School because one of his uncles adds to the money Tom has saved for tuition. Tom is described as an intelligent, young man, who is accepted into Bremmer's Engineering Program. Sadly, two and a half years later, Tom is no longer able to pay tuition and has to enroll in public high school. Tom and Eddie remain friends throughout their lives.


Do Black Patent-leather Shoes Really Reflect Up?: A Fictionalized Memoir