English & Literature

Who is The Thompson Brothers from Flashman & the Angel of the Lord: From the Flashman Papers, 1858-59 and what is their importance? "Flashman_&_the_Angel_of_the_Lord:_From_the_Flashman_Papers

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Members of John Brown's "Pet Lambs," Dauphin Osgood Thompson, age 21, blushes like a girl and William (Bill) Thompson, age 26, is a jolly story-teller. Bill is seized under a white flag and held for either hanging or burning by the drunken mob. He is loud in proclaiming his willingness to die to set millions free. He tries to rally the spirits of Aaron Stevens, who has been shot in the belly. Thompson is dragged to the bridge and shot point-blank. The drunkards laughingly empty their weapons into his dead body on the river bank below. Dauphin also dies in the raid.