English & Literature

Who is The Older Ptolemy from The Memoirs of Cleopatra: A Novel and what is their importance? The_Memoirs_of_Cleopatra English & Literature The Older Ptolemy | The Memoirs of Cleopatra: A Novel

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The older Ptolemy is Cleopatra's younger brother. He is the oldest of the two sons named Ptolemy. He and Cleopatra are destined to marry when she becomes ruler in accordance with tradition. Cleopatra, however, rebels against the idea claiming the boy is too young, and thus, unable to produce an heir. When Cleopatra takes over the throne, Ptolemy and his sister, Arinsoe, take over the country. They are later removed from power by Caesar. Soon after, Ptolemy dies as a result of drowning.


The Memoirs of Cleopatra: A Novel