English & Literature

Who is The Group of Travelers from Crossing Open Ground and what is their importance?

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In "Gone Back to the Earth", the author takes a guided tour through the Grand Canyon (see "Objects/Places" in the company of more than three dozen other people. The tour, he comments, was organized by a musician interested in exploring the relationship between music and landscape. Among the musicians in the company, the author says, are an oboist, a cellist, and a man who plays the euphonium. Other travelers include an actor, a mechanic, a student and his wife, and a father and son from New York. The author comments that musician or not, everyone on the tour was affected by the explorations and connections discovered and/or manifested in the juxtaposition between the music (composed and /or improvised) and the eons-old rock formations of the Canyon, the life forms that exist there, and the humans that USED to exist there.