English & Literature

Who is Ted from Absolutely Maybe and what is their importance?

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Ted is Maybe's best friend. He is a short and petite Asian boy, adopted by Caucasian parents after his adoptive father finds Ted at the base of a statue. With Ted is a book about Thai culture, so his adoptive parents raise him be engrossing him in his Thai culture. Ted loves to talk, so he is always rambling on and on about whatever subject he is stuck on at the moment.

When they go off to California, Ted is constantly on the phone with his adoptive parents, Maah and Paww Ted also has dreams of fame and fortune, so when he lands a job as the personal assistant to an aging Hollywood star, he finds himself just where he always wanted to be. By thend of the novel, Ted is homesick, and he has found out from a DNA test that he is really half Chinese and half French, rather than Thai, so he's heading back to Kissimmee to be with hi parents and break the news to them.

Even though Ted seems very self-centered throughout the novel, he is really always there for Maybe. He is also encouraging her to do what she wnts tod and be who she wants to be. Ted does this in a manner that is quite unobstrives and allows Maybe to find her own way to the solutions of her problems.