English & Literature

Who is Sir Harry Paget Flashman / Beauchamp Millward Comber / Joshu from Flashman & the Angel of the Lord: From the Flashman Papers, 1858-59 and what is their importance? "Flashman_&_the_Angel_of_the_Lord:_From_the_Flashman_Papers

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Harry Flashman, Sir Harry Flashman at the time he composes his memoirs and Lieutenant Flashman at the time of the story, is a man regarded as a hero but presents himself to us, the readers, as the greatest of cowards. At the time of the story in Flashman and the Mountain of Light, Flashman has already gained a great deal of fame. Most notable in the region of the world where this story takes place are his exploits during the Anglo-Afghan War. In that adventure Flashman is lauded as a hero when his acts of cowardice land him in unexpected circumstances.