English & Literature

Who is Sergeant Patrick Harper from Sharpe's Eagle: Richard Sharpe and the Talavera Campaign July 1809 and what is their importance? Sharpe's_Eagle:_Richard_Sharpe_and_the_Talavera_Campaign_July_1809 English & Literature Sergeant Patrick Harper | Sharpe's Eagle: Richard Sharpe and the Talavera Campaign July 1809

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Patrick Harper is described as a gigantic Irishman. He is huge in stature and equally larger than life in his sense of humor. Aside from his immense size, the most notable quality about Harper is his perennial upbeat attitude. Even in the direst of situations, Harper finds humor. Once when he and Sharpe were challenged to teach an inexperienced group of soldiers to improve their rate of fire with the musket, Harper said the troops were so bad that he wished they would be sent to Ireland because then his homeland would be an independent nation within a week.