English & Literature

Who is Senneval from The 120 Days of Sodom and Other Writings and what is their importance? 120_Days_of_Sodom English & Literature Senneval | The 120 Days of Sodom and Other Writings

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Senneval was the lost son of Courval.....Florville's lover, and Saint-Ange's father. Senneval and Florville have a romatic relationship without either of the knowing that they are actually brother and sister. When Florville gives birth to a son, Senneval takes him away to be raised. Year later, Senneval returns to learn that his son was murdered after raping a woman...... the woman was Florville. It is Senneval who provides Florville with the missing information that reveals Saint-Ange's true identity..... that the rapist was in fact her own son.


The 120 Days of Sodom