English & Literature

Who is Rev. S. Hall Young from The Wild Muir: Twenty-two of John Muir's Greatest Adventures and what is their importance? The_Wild_Muir English & Literature Rev. S. Hall Young | The Wild Muir: Twenty-two of John Muir's Greatest Adventures

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In Chapter Nineteen, Young provides an extensive account of "The Rescue on Glenora Peak" in which Muir saves his life. Muir took Young on a trip to Glenora peak, even after advising him not to go. In his story, Young reports that Muir's pace almost killed him and notes Muir's ability to "slide" up the rocks. When they reach the top of Glenora Peak, Muir runs off along the mountain's edge to view the sunset. While he's gone, Young slips and falls down a ledge. While he holds on for dear life, Young dislocates both of his arms before Muir saves him.


The Wild Muir: Twenty-two of John Muir's Greatest Adventures