English & Literature

Who is Prince Roanoke from Outer Banks Mysteries and Seaside Stories and what is their importance? Outer_Banks_Mysteries_and_Seaside_Stories English & Literature Prince Roanoke | Outer Banks Mysteries and Seaside Stories

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Prince Roanoke is the son of King Cashie, the leader of the Tuscarora Indian tribe. He lives in the early eighteenth century. Roanoke is a brave, compassionate man, who looks past the color of a person's skin. He is kind enough to help Elnora Austin, the girl he loves, even though she makes it clear that she is engaged to another man. Roanoke enjoys getting to know the European girl and her parents, and he falls deeply in love with Elnora. Roanoke has to decide whether to be loyal to his family and tribe, or save Elnora and her people. Knowing that he will be killed if he is found out, Roanoke faces the dangers of battle to warn the people of Edenton of the approaching Indian attack. Roanoke also shows how much pride and self-respect he has, when he decides to leave the safety of the white settlement and return to his people. He knows that they will not show mercy for his betrayal, but he faces his fate without crying out. Because he saves many of the white people from death, he ends up dying the death of a white criminal, hanging from a gallows, disowned by his own people. There are many places in North Carolina named after this prince, who saved the lives of so many people, and sacrificed his own.