English & Literature

Who is Nancy Chamberlain from The Shell Seekers and what is their importance? The_Shell_Seekers English & Literature Nancy Chamberlain | The Shell Seekers

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Nancy Chamberlain is Penelope's oldest daughter, and the reason she married Ambrose Keeling. Nancy and her mother have little in common and do not share a close relationship. She loves her father unconditionally and is unable to see his deficits..... namely, the fact that he cheated on her mother, treated her poorly, and gambled away most of the family's income.

Like her father, Nancy is materialistic and focused on her place in society. She wants the right friends, the house, and the best schools for her children. Like her brother, Nancy wants her mother to sell Lawrence's artwork so she can fund her children's too-expensive education and support her lavish lifestyle.


The Shell Seekers