English & Literature

Who is Moki, Steekah-pol, and Hakukka-jo from Startide Rising and what is their importance? Startide_Rising English & Literature "Moki

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Three Stenos neo-dolphins, Moki, Steekah-pol, and Hakukka-jo are tired of Capt. Creideiki's inspections and pious quoting of Keeneenk teachings to inspire his fellow Tursiops. Hakukka-jo is concerned about crewfen overhearing them and fears that Dr. Metz and Takkata-Jim have spoken about them. The other two are unconcerned. With Tom Orley and Tsh't on a mission and Kitahi in sickbay, the time seems right to mutiny. Moki becomes a pod leader under the new regime and begins eying both male and female crew members as sexual conquests. Frustrated that Takkata-Jim sends K'tha-Jon rather than him after Akki, Moki accepts guard duty with Hakoe, hoping to have an opportunity to kill something. Moki is glad that Creideiki has gotten his just desserts by being electrocuted. Moki sings a number of savage verses in Primal Delphic to provoke Hakoe, but only succeeds in getting himself tongue-tied. Haoke acknowledges orders to intercept a sled coming from the island and kill the intruder if an enemy or turn it back if a member of the crew. In a "confused but exalted state" (pg,. 238), Moki kills Haoke and later reports that he is pursuing the purported intruder, upon whom he pins the blame. Sreekah-pol later executes Metz at Takkata-Jim's unspoken order.