English & Literature

Who is Mike from Marching Powder: A True Story of Friendship, Cocaine, and South America's Strangest Jail and what is their importance?

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Mike is 50 year-old, ponytailed Canadian inmate and a compulsive liar, who claims to speak several languages, had dinner with the Bolivian president, was a spy, an assassin, and taught university mathematics, among many other accomplishments. He has an excellent memory, which makes it hard to catch him contradicting himself in his stories. He is a cocaine addict, but claims to have given up the drug. Thomas hires him as the chef in his prison restaurant, and Mike is very good at the work, but eventually Thomas suspects him of stealing money to fuel his cocaine habit, and he fires him. Mike becomes paranoid, sells his cell, threatens Thomas with a knife, but finally shaves off his ponytail and announces that he is giving up cocaine.