English & Literature

Who is Michael Moscovitz from Princess in Love and what is their importance?

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Michael Moscovitz is a senior that attends the same school as Amelia in New York City. Michael is also the older brother of Amelia's best friend, Lilly. Michael is tall and handsome. He is one of the most popular boys in the high school.
Michael loves music and he is also very smart. Micahel even tutors Mia so that she can pass Algebra. Throughout the novel, Michael is working with another member of the computer club, Judith, to create a computer game to debut at the school's winter carnival.
Michael already has his acceptance into Columbia University, where he will be attending college in the fall. Michael really does love Mia, but Mia doesn't know it. Michael creates a special program for Mia to see at the carnival. It is a program that presents a poem to Mia that says he loves her too.