English & Literature

Who is MIa Spinelli from Saving Francesca and what is their importance?

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Mia Spinelli is Francesca and Luca's mother. At the opening of the novel, Mia is laid up in bed suffering from a nervous breakdown, which greatly affects her family. Through Francesca's memories, the reader learns a lot about Mia Spinelli and her parenting style. When she was well, Mia was constantly involved in her children's lives, always encouraging them to face their fears and live outside the box of traditional expectations. She sets her artistic standards high and holds nothing back when expressing her feelings to her children. Mia is an open minded, free spirited parent who has no problem walking around the house naked or making love to her husband while her children are awake in the next room. Yet Mia clearly battles personal demons, particularly in regard to the loss of her father and, as it is revealed at the end of the novel, the recent loss of her third pregnancy. Before her mother became ill, Francesca was frequently annoyed by her mother's strange behavior and high expectations. When Mia is bedridden, however, Francesca realizes that her mother was glue holding the family together. Mia is unable to attend many family events, including the wedding of her favorite niece, which pushes her further into depression. The only thing that seems to pull her out of her trance is when Francesca tells her about her days. By the end of the novel, Mia has begun to heal from her emotional wounds. Although she isn't well, she has taken steps in the right direction to embrace her future with her family.