English & Literature

Who is Matt's Father from American Shaolin: Flying Kicks, Buddhist Monks, and the Legend of Iron Crotch: An Odyssey in the New China and what is their importance?

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Matt's father is a very straightforward man who does not approve of Matt's intention to take a year or two out of college to live in China. He believes Matt is going off on a whim and will waste time and money on something useless. He wants Matt to focus on his education and then his career prospects instead. He does not seem to be the kind of person who values life experiences unless there is a focused career goal behind them. When Matt returns from China, his father is no longer unhappy with him about this choice, as China has become big news and big business. Now that Matt's father can see the worth in terms of career and earning potential, he has changed his tune. Despite their disagreement at the beginning of the book, Matt and his father do not seem to have a bad relationship.