English & Literature

Who is Marty Wentworth from Becoming a Doctor: A Journey of Initiation in Medical School and what is their importance?

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Marty Wentworth is the name of the chief surgical resident. Wentworth led morning rounds with a group of fifteen medical personnel who marched upstairs to the wards. On the way, they looked at X-ray films as they went in and out of patient rooms. Wentworth and his group rudely woke patients as they hurriedly completed their rounds. The first time Konner scrubbed in for an operation with Marty Wentworth felt official as the surgical team prepared for a gallbladder removal. Wentworth was in charge of the surgery and directed the new intern Mike Colucci who accidentally cut the patient's cystic artery. Marty reacted by criticizing Colucci unmercifully. This experience convinced Konner Marty was a bad teacher and practiced bad medicine. Wentworth was on trauma rounds with Konner later that day when Marty and another doctor named Carter argued about an unsettled notion. They embarrassed themselves by taking inflexible opinions that made them look silly in front of colleagues.