English & Literature

Who is Mangla from Flashman and the Mountain of Light: From the Flashman Papers, 1845-46 and what is their importance? Flashman_and_the_Mountain_of_Light English & Literature "Mangla | Flashman and the Mountain of Light: From the Flashman Papers

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This is the first woman Flashman has contact with in Lahore, and he is immediately attracted to her. She is the servant of Maharani Jeendan, though she fulfills more of a role of trusted confidant and advisor. Despite being a servant, Mangla is one of the most powerful individuals in the Punjabi court. She has daily contact with Maharani Jeendan and shares much with the ruler, including Flashman. In one of the appendices we learn that the real-life Mangla had a life as interesting as any fictional character. Sold as a child, she works her way up in wealth and influence.