English & Literature

Who is Lyla White from Stranger at the Gate: To Be Gay and Christian in America and what is their importance?

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Lyla White was Mel White's wife for around thirty years. While Stranger at the Gate is written by Mel White from his perspective and about his personal struggles, Lyla is undoubtedly the second major character. Mel met Lyla in high school. He had grown up in an extremely religious household, whereas Lyla had barely ever been to church when she met Mel. Mel was not romantically interested in Lyla when he met her, but he adored her personality and became fast friends with her. He helped to lead her to Christianity though he emphasizes that she came of it freely and only when she was convinced that it was true. Afterwards, Lyla and Mel dated on and off for several years. She wanted to become more serious but he was always hesistant, as he wasn't sure that God was behind the relationship given his struggles with homosexuality.