English & Literature

Who is Lady Wilbraham from The Nine Tailors: Changes Rung on an Old Theme in Two Short Touches and Two Full Peals and what is their importance? The_Nine_Tailors English & Literature Lady Wilbraham | The Nine Tailors: Changes Rung on an Old Theme in Two Short Touches and Two Full Peals

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Lady Wilbraham is an eccentric and wealthy spinster who owns the emeralds that are stolen by Jeff Deacon. She is shown as being rather grasping and greedy, as she takes money from Sir Henry Thorpe in recompense for the loss of the emeralds, even though Sir Henry was not financially well off and was not responsible for the theft. She leaves her money to Sir Henry, however, on the grounds that he is the most honest man she knows, and she also appreciates Lord Peter's unselfish helpfulness in finding the emerald and returning them to her.