English & Literature

Who is John Ross from Running with the Demon and what is their importance?


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John Ross is a Knight of the Word. Before he entered that service, he was a perpetual student, never sure what he wanted to do with his life. Instead, he traveled around the world, and in Wales, had an encounter with the Lady. The Lady told John about the struggle between the Word and the Void and asked him to join her service. After agreeing, John received a magic staff, and the ability to travel through time in his dreams. While John is awake, he lives in the present, and while he is asleep, he lives in the future.

John Ross comes to Hopewell with the goal of stopping the event that will lead to the end of the world: Nest Freemark turning into a demon. John Ross tries to do this by working with Nest and helping her to overcome the demon.


Running with the Demon